We all love Steve Buscemi. He is a beloved actor and comedian, and he holds a special place in all of our hearts. Now lets make fun of him via Google image search.
1. Here is Steve Buscemi as a totally legit teenager.
2. I don’t know who made this thing, but it looks like something out of one of my nightmares.

3. Boy, the internet does love cats. Not sure if this one is as cute as the rest though…
4. No comment.
5. Now this might be the sexiest photo of Buscemi in existence. (Who would actually buy this shirt?)
6. There is too much Elsa on the internet. STOP. Just let it go guys. (I hate myself.)
7. It’s Bu-SCE-mi, not Bu-sce-MI.
8. Someone made this while they were on drugs. No, seriously.
9. I take that back. This is the sexiest (completely unedited) photo of Steve Buscemi on the internet.
10. Ahh, Buscemi in all his glory. We may never again find a comedian which makes us laugh in the same uncomfortable and awkward kind of way that he does.
Cincinnati, OH
Co-host of 'Why is This a Thing?' and 'Fantasy Book of the Month' Podcast. Coffee lover, cat-dad, fantasy nerd and workaholic.
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